We understand you may need to cancel or rearrange a scheduled appointment, this can be done so up to 24 hours of your booked appointment.
Failure to provide less than 24 hours notice will result in a 50% cancellation fee of the scheduled treatment cost.
On the day cancellations or no-shows will result in a 100% cancellation fee of the scheduled treatment cost, both cancellation fees require payment before rebooking further appointments.
If you are more than 10 minutes late, the appointment will be cancelled and the ‘no-show’ cancellation fee will apply.
By scheduling an appointment with Hawthorn Hair & Beauty, you agree to our terms and conditions.
Thank you for supporting our business,
Nicole & Carean
This privacy policy explains how Hawthorn Hair & Beauty manages and stores personal information you provide us with or that we learn by having you as a client. This notice explains how we do this and informs you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
Personal Information
We collect information about you when you book an appointment for a service or treatment or when you visit the salon for a service or treatment.
The type of information we collect for appointment purposes may include:
During a face to face consultation with a therapist/stylist, we may collect additional information which is recorded via our online booking system Fresha- Partner Account.
For clients under the age of 16, we will only keep and use their personal information with the consent of a parent, carer or guardian.
How We Use Your Personal Information
In law, we are allowed to use personal information, including sharing it outside the salon, only if we have a proper reason to do so, for example:
At Hawthorn Hair & Beauty we use an electronic booking system for appointment management provided by Fresha-Partner Account. This system will hold the following information:-
We will not share your information with any other third party without your consent except to help prevent fraud, or if required to do so by law.
Retention Of Your Information
For insurance purposes we are required to retain your information for 7 years. After this time, if you no longer visit us, your information will be deleted and disposed of in the correct manner.
Where Your Information Is Stored
The only people to see your details are: the therapist/stylist performing the treatment AND Hawthorn Hair & Beauty members who add your contact details on to the system to hold the information as noted above.
Your contact information is only used to keep you informed about your appointment and is not sold on to any third parties. You can opt out of this service at any time by speaking to your stylist/therapist.
Access And Updates To Your Information
You have the right to request a copy of your personal information that we hold.
If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact Nicole- Salon Owner. or Carean- Salon Owner.
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date, for this reason you may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.
You have the right to ask us to delete, remove or stop using your personal information if there is no need for us to keep it. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Find out on their website how to report a concern: ico.org.uk/concerns/handling
Changes To Our Privacy Policy
We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on our Website.
Last updated on 10/06/24
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy notice or information we hold about you:
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